
Alin Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 10:00:38

Sure i am near the french. Sure i feel sorry. I my self have part of my family in Uk which is sort of next on those religion brainwashed fluffs list. It easy to comment, grief, be solidar. How about if it strikes you? Gatewick airport is the airport where i take my plane, is the airport where my familiy take the planes. And guess what... yestarday there was a terorrist alert in that airport.

You know how this is? It doesn t happen to you until it happens. And i am thinking now as it has already happened, because it did. 130 deaths by brain washed monkeys is like happening to me... 30 deaths, 50, 9 eleven, madrid ... it did happend to us.

So what should i do? I grief - checked, i revolt - checked, i light a candle -checked. Than what ? That s it? The freaking osamma from syria is laughing ...

There are 5k persons suspected in France of having ties with terrorism. A large portion of the 13 November terrorists were on that list(except the Belgium ones). What shall we do? Give those 5k human rights? not guilty until proofen ...
fluff no! Take their entire families and send them to where they belong. Send those fluffers to Assad to make shariah in Syria. Take them to guntamo or every other place... get info.

60k persons in all Eu are suspected. We do what? Wait... wait for them to become confirmed by blowing us. That s not normal, you don t fight that with human rights. You banish them from EU and USA! Simple as that.

Than there is the Syria and Iraq problem. Where the discussion is endless. USA,EU RUSSSIA China AND EVERBODY has economic interest there. Every gallon of fuel mrford loads in his super truck costs him less cents because we went to middle east to find wmds and found Oil! That is the reality, if anyone refuse to see that than he needs an Iq check. Or he just agrees and supports that... being ignorant to "causality and effect".

Everyone did it. Russia in Ukraine,cecenia, middle east, afghanistan and all those poor countries in their zone. Usa did it to basically everyone. Starting with Yugoslavia(Serbia) in the heart of Europe, and ending with middle east. Where they suck the oil out of them, keep puppets dictators in muslim countries, that obey the command... and overthrow the others who got greedy and do not respond to commands anymore. All... have a fault in this.

How do you solve this? By grief and piano? Ben laden from iraq and syria is laughing his ass off when he sees that.
No! You go there but with the sole purpose to solve this problem. You leave them enjoy their resources and their dictators. Until they overthrow them by their own. You don t want your hand dirty? Fine, agree with papa Putin because he has no problem with dirty hands, than go there toghether. Leave Middle East be... after you set in some order.

Sure my ideeas are utopic, since Russia is with Assad and Usa with the moderate muslims that want Assad down. + odds are nato and russia will never work toghether, but this terrorist fluff must stop. Our world has the means to stop it but it simply does not. Untill it will be to late... ultranationalism will come to power and than we are close to WWIII.