
silentwolf Game profile


Nov 22nd 2015, 2:33:17

Originally posted by Cerberus:
The bottom line in the whole thing is this in my estimation.

1. Islam is a demonic religion propagated primarily by violence

2. Islamic Fundamentalists are just as crazy, or perhaps more than any other religious fundamentalists anywhere

3. Islam's prophet was a violent and corrupt man, and it seems that the most fundamental of the Islamic peoples take his word as law and act on it without concern for anyone else.

4. In order to stop the terror, we must stop the fundamentalists of all sorts.

Which takes us to the potential solutions.

1. Eliminate the violent religion and allow the non-violent religions to continue to live among us

2. Exercise extreme prejudice to accomplish step 1.

3. Institute a global description of human rights that applies to everyone across the board without exceptions.

4. Force those who oppose these changes to change their minds, or become extinct.

5. Quit feeling so overwhelmed by grief when there are collateral damages in battles.

6. Recognize that we can always breed more people, thus by culling our herd of evil, violent men, will result in a better standard of living for everyone.

7. Stop "playing politics" with various governments to achieve dubious results on behalf of the Robber Barons.

Cerb.. with all due respect.

Islam and Christianity is linked to its core. ie both believe in the same system.. angels and demons, heaven and hell, coming of christ and etc. So if you say ISLAM is evil.. that will also make Christianity evil. There is no two way about it. The origin of the religion is from the middle east. the source of conflict for ages. People there have been in power strugle for ages and its part of their culture if you like it or not.

The issue will never end. You arm them and provide them with war tactics. One fine day they will retaliate.

The issue to consider is to stop supporting them.. STOP SUPPORTING THEM. Like pointed out above.. israel, saudi and etc have all been funded by American's out to gain control of the location.. ultimately for resource.

Why no one bothers about africa ? thousands die there daily too. Cuz that location didnt have any resource.. so it didnt matter.. Bosnia and serbia was at it abt decade ago. no one bothered.. why? cuz they had no worthwhile resource.

ISLAM is the cause now they say, like how communism was a cause decades back, remember russia, china ? Americans are obsessed with things that they have been told.. brainwashed bunch. Its all propaganda. Look through the damn smokescreen people.

A german slams a plane full of people into the mountain.. its a crazy guy.
A norwegian kills 100's of kids in an island.. its a crazy guy
An american bombs the federal building.. he is nuts.

so if someone says that a christian did the above.. will you guys be happy ?

why associate religion with radicals ? Cuz the media says so ?

Christians say jezuz this and that.. what about crusades ? thousands if not millions died cuz of their join or die church rules. What about the KKK ? Have you guys forgotten the issue of the race and colour ?

Interesting how people get played into the hands of the media and politicians .. at the end .. money is made, economy is brought back and some businessman make their billions. pfft.

dont be sheep..

Alin and Mrford ! awesome stuff.. keep it coming :)

Edited By: silentwolf on Nov 22nd 2015, 2:38:32
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