
Badde Game profile


Dec 16th 2015, 0:16:43

The biggest flaw in that entire pile of garbage is the word "theory".

In daily language, wish the author uses, theory means a wild guess.

A scientific theory is next to true, and no proof have been found to disprove it. The best example is the theory of gravity.

As far as the pile of manure the author produces, I could go through and disprove pretty much all of it, but it'll take time I don't have at the moment.
Single out the paragraphs that you want, and I'll do my best to straighten things out.

As for the pyramids, the author failed at a simple google/youtube search, and more importantly, failed at common sense.
I invite you to watch a very good video on youtube, it's about 20 minutes long and addresses all the concerns that the author have.

The math part is just numerology, a made up system to find significant numbers. most of his arguments are circular and proves themselves, the first part is assumed true by the author, therefore, what follows must be true.
Just because I say the sky is pink doesn't mean that it's true.

Edited By: Badde on Dec 16th 2015, 0:37:50
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