
dantzig Game profile


Sep 27th 2010, 2:40:06

Another exciting round of Express. I almost won with a demo farmer would have easily broke 20 mil NW if not for a couple bozos:

Happy Drinker (#62)
I never did anything to this guy. Apparently just a random suicider.
60 spy ops (bomb airbases) of which 17 were successful @ 80k jets each = 816k NW at the cost of over 200k spies to him.
6 missiles, 3 successful = ~500k NW

Me (#58)
The densest player that I encountered this round. I stole 5-6 turns of food from him (value ~$40mil) and got somehow got caught even though I had 10x his SPAL. I jokingly told him that he could find his food on the market and was honest when I told him that I was stealing food from stockers to supplement my income. He was sitting comfortably in the top 10 with a good chance to place top 5. His response? A ton of unsuccessful ABs and a couple missiles. I guess they did their job by making me lose a lot of NW, but he also knocked himself out of the top 10 and finished w/ 4mil NW less than he had when I stole the food. The cherry on top for me was when he told me that he had something big planned for me and then launched a PS where he lost 10x what I did LOL Then he did some unsuccessful ABs on my allies "to make sure they wouldn't win either"
1 unsuccessful PS = 50k NW for me, 800+k NW for him LOL
19 unsuccessful ABs = 2640+NW for both of us

Honorable mention goes to jajajaja (#29):
15 unsuccessful spy ops (he lost ~60k spies), 1 successful spy op (CD for 115k NW), and 3 missiles because he didn't like how I dropped his readiness before I grabbed him. Hint: get some spies!

Serious question: Why do some players fly off the handle about relatively harmless spy ops (espionage, raiding food, demoralize) and dismiss more harmful attacks like SS/PS and missiles?

What were your favorite moments of this reset? Favorite/least favorite countries?

Edited By: dantzig on Sep 27th 2010, 2:48:22
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