
Link Game profile


Jan 22nd 2016, 22:10:25

You are pretty thick lol. You refuse to accept that all you're saying is ridiculous and I'm done trying to point out the obvious.. we just go round and round like a retard carousel....

3 elders + 1 ancient = 4 countries killing lol. Last set the 7 of us ruined the abc coalition.... Innocent and not... Set before last we fought v AND w by our selves.. And massacred them both with 0 interference.. all while drunksex and villains got ops on us... (Which we never took as a prelude to war because that's just dumb paranoia) You won't acknowledge that because it proves you wrong tho lol. If you want to live in the past, at least don't cherry pick lol.

As a suicider you can expect multiple tags to help us kill you. Every set, tagged or untagged. It's not a real war and we aren't under any obligation to kill them without aid.. yet again I say we don't ask them to help, but they offer... Believe it or not, people like us lol.

Any actual war where the b side is a real tag, elders wouldn't accept aid.. (even tho with the spirit rules gone, we could fluffing jump people every set with 20 countries and still not be in any violation) These are facts lol. But you can have a blast in the wonderful world of make believe.. matters not to me realistically.. the whole server sees what's happening and there are like 3 people that don't like is at this point... Hopefully they can get 2 more and give us a real war.. but we are content with just killing suiciders If that's what it boils down to lol

Truthfully I look forward to this all settling down enough that elders can war drunksex unmolested... We grow tired of the easy riff raff and let's face in... rybka will never be a challenge to us.

Edited By: Link on Jan 22nd 2016, 22:12:52
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