
gwagers Game profile


Oct 19th 2010, 11:35:29

Originally posted by toma:
Maybe the warclans should become intrested in protecting small clans? That will bring atleast at the moment an endless supply of "just" wars for them.

I've heard of clans merging with others to form specialized divisions within a larger umbrella, though I personally have never experienced that. In this case, it sounds like you advocate the opposite approach, with a warring clan (let's take iMag as an example, as it's readily available) gathering a bunch of smaller clans under its umbrella so that they can net while iMag acts as the retal/killer division.

The problem with this theory, I would think, is that iMag can't protect everyone. With the smaller clans/untaggeds being farmed by all netting clans, iMag--a single clan developed for a completely different purpose--wouldn't be able to fend off ten clans at once. It would be a wasted effort, and in the end might hurt iMag membership when members decide they've had enough of this "protection" idea and move somewhere else.

The difference between a warring clan and a protection umbrella is that the war clan looks to fight a limited number of enemies and leave the rest of the server alone, while the umbrella has to look out for threats throughout the server simultaneously. A war clan is simply not built to do that job.

I personally do not play, nor have I played, in a war clan, so I could be inaccurate on a few points here. Please correct me if that's the case.

Edited By: gwagers on Oct 19th 2010, 11:37:32
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