
mrford Game profile


Nov 12th 2016, 7:53:34

Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by mrford:
300k of the total votes (120.5 MILLION) is 0.25% btw.

The state i grew up in, NC, still hasn't declared a Governor, last count the vote was within less than 2000 with more than 5 MILLION votes. Close results all around.

And the candidate with the most votes will be Governor. As it should be. Doesn't matter how close, n+1 > n

Originally posted by mrford:
Sure, she may end up with 300K or so more votes, but the electoral college is a bit different.

The vast majority of the democratic votes were from cities. Comically smaller geographically than the republican votes.

Straight popular vote would make people in rural areas lose their voice.

This last election was won because the rust belt got rallied by Trump promising to bring manufacturing jobs back home, and the evangelicals that turned out in record numbers for a clever choice of a running mate in that nutcase Pence.

They carried a number of states that haven't voted R in a while.

So, more empty land between voters should result in more Electoral College clout?
I disagree.
One person, one vote
How does that take anything but an unfair Electoral vote clout away from a rural voter?
Do rural voters cry unfair when voting for governor of their state because their vote is weighted exactly equal to the vote of a city voter?

So fluff states rights right? That sounds familiar. It cost a fluff ton of American lives last time.

Your simplistic view is admirable but not feasable.

Congressional districts may be based on population, but they are usury demographically influenced.

Edited By: mrford on Nov 12th 2016, 7:58:21
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Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford