
Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 13:07:52

Originally posted by Dissident:
Scott, show me the context, prove me wrong. i couldnt find the sentences from before and after the quote... so i am taking it at face value. This is how debates go. I present a piece of evidence to support my argument "Trump is a blunt instrument" by giving a quote from Bannon. If you wish to engage in an actual back and forth, it's up to you to disprove me instead of trying to goad me into disproving myself.

Scott logic... always delegating. So lazy...

Wait a second - you claimed no logic needed? Why the heart change now, because I used the same type of reporting to expose your chicken rape? It is not on me to show your original quote how to add context. We have no idea what was said before or after the author altered those sentences to fit his needs (that's why it was quotes midway through the sentence). You didn't even source.

Edited By: Scott on Feb 5th 2017, 13:11:52
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