
Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 26th 2017, 21:43:41

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
All I'm saying. If it's 60 vs 28 and that's pathetic then what's 74 vs 28?

Extra super ultra pathetic?

It's 74 vs 61 in favor of laf and sol. Please try to count all of them.
Technically there are two wars happening.

Elders who FS'd LaF after a ten member tag Suicided them. LaF Went from 43 to about 27 hitters, the rest left because we were promised a netting reset. SoL hit's as scheduled against Elders. Than Elders calls in two FDP's Stones plus Imag.

So as of right now it's 55 or 56 LaF+SoL(an already tagkilled LaF with restarts) vs around 30 elders. Than you have Elders+Stones+Imag+SC of about 65-70 nearly all originals with stock and warbuilds vs a 28 member SOL. This is far from being a fair fight as you have vehemently described.

My Disclaimer is this: I speak on behalf of myself and nothing I say is approved by my anyone else nor does it necessarily express the views of any alliance spoken of.

Do as I say, not as I do.