
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 30th 2017, 19:51:57

Yeah. I'm fairly certain rage owns the record and omega was first to 10k. I made it home to my notebooks. Heres what I have written down:

"November 2004: Omega 10k fs slaughters steel

2 sets later on day 8 of the set Steel launches an oop ab fs (and here Gerdler thought he was so creative). Omega calls in ICN. Viper accuses ICN of having signed a uNAP and breaking pact. It was either a lie or a simple misunderstanding. We had talked about it and i directed him to the HFA and said I didnt sign new pacts as aFA. Dont know what happened then. RD pressures ICN into leaving the war but not before nw was about even. Omega eventually comes back to win the war. RD got pissed at ICN and hit them for most of the next year and a half. Only further confirms Steel members as multies in RD. I feel like I'm talking to the same people in both Steel and RD when I'm doing FA work."

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 30th 2017, 19:57:51
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