
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 7:51:32

Lol, but trying to run a clan off the server is a totally legit move maki? Come on bro. I'm not gonna see them try to run a tag off the server. Any tag for that matter. But especially not players like galleri and whatnot. You should know that.

We've done basically nothing to SOL except one set we decided to make a war more entertaining for everyone. But all you care about is the politics man.

Even now our topic in elders war room reads very clearly DNH SOL!!!! It will continue to read that way even if you hit us. Our qualms are not and never have been with you. And I'm gonna do everything I can to mend that apparent mar on our relationship if it can be done bro. Like I told you at the time, it was just players trying to make a fun war. Nothing more.

I respect the hell out of lots of players over there and there's no reason for us to be at odds at all. If you pulled your head out of the sand for a minute and listened to your membership you'd realize that hating us isn't what your tag wants. You're on the wrong side of this and by and large any SOL I talk to feels that way.

Stop pandering to people trying to kill the game and run off the players and start listening to your members.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 26th 2018, 10:10:42
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