
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 31st 2018, 18:41:10

Hahaha. Who doesn't love to publicly blow things out of proportion?

It's like Archy said, AT should provide some entertainment. These forums were so dead when I came back. I try every set to get some crazy nonsense going on here. I know everyone hates it because I shouldn't talk publicly to the other 20 people that didn't know this was going on, but does it look like I care? I've challenged ebert to netting challenges and gotten my ass handed to me just to provide some fun here. And look. Here's another busy thread. And the next time AT fails to amuse me guess what will happen? ANOTHER BONANZA! Do you need me to make some other strange claims or can we just realize the troll gets loosed when y'all bore the hell out of me? Do something exciting or get trolled.

If you want the truth, I don't think there's a multi problem in earth (per previous sets) and I don't think maki has done anything worse than what I've done in previous sets. That said, the holier than thou attitude that everyone takes with Elders could often be checked very easily. Sol is at least as shady as elders and Makimso is at least as shady as me. Same with vic and gains etc. And that's ok. FA's of this game have always been a little shady. Just pointing out facts that Elders is no worse than anyone else and should be respected for their war ability instead of thought of as jerks for doing exactly what larger clans do and have done for years. There's some stuff (like getting outside FA in a friendly war) that I wouldn't do because I think it's totally lame. There's also some stuff I'd do that they wouldn't. Point is this though. Makinso got that FA in an effort to make the war more fun. I respect that because I did something in a previous war against SOL to make the war more fun. My only problem is that SOL protected LaF trying to run our players out of the game for acting like them.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 31st 2018, 18:58:33
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