
Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 16th 2018, 16:07:00

1. LAF One of the oldest, most triple crowns by far...multiple dominant era's.
2. SOL- all the above minus netting,
3. ROCK- first colation, and their database that they cretaed changed the game.
4.MD- overthrew ROCK, and basically ruled the game during its peak.
5. SOF- Maybe the best fighters in the history of the game. Though Son Goku's LAF was lethal.
6. IX- Slit era, enough said.
Let me add here, I can't think of an era of this game that wasn't dominated by one of those top 6 alliances.
7. RD- Can't understate the influence they had on this game.
8. Omega- MD"s #1 ally, still around multiple netting crowns.
9. Monsters. Same as Omega, the game's Switzerland, rarely fought but lethal when they did.
10. RAGE- Who can argue with 450 members?
11. LCN- Better quality than UCN, at fighting and netting. But never big enough to create its own era. Lasted Longer...

Please tell me if you think I missed an alliance that belongs, and why...I can't think of anyone started post 2002, that belongs...maybe an oversight there?
I'm trying to find a place for OOA, as their descedents, Rage, IX and Arrow had a major impact on the game. But OOA itself didn't do a whole lot.
I also think TIE may belong...seems like they had their own dominant era at one point,

Edited By: Servant on Jun 16th 2018, 19:03:07
See Original Post
Z is #1

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 16th 2018, 17:58:13

The Devils Advocate. Best pound for pound alliance when the wee around.

IgnitionCWG Game profile


Jun 16th 2018, 18:15:11

IX and Arrow would be over UCN

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 16th 2018, 18:58:52

I think IX could make a great argument over UCN....

in fact I'd move them up to 7 or 8. editing.
Z is #1

Marshal Game profile


Jun 16th 2018, 19:32:23

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Jun 16th 2018, 20:43:34

To be heard, Homer was the dominant force in FFA for a while till literally the event called "The fall of Homer."

Makinso Game profile


Jun 16th 2018, 22:18:15

I do believe TIE is supposed to be up there. Not sure what they would rank, but they've been far more influential then LCN for instance. I think we forget that in the SLIT era and pre SLIT era TIE was force to be reckoned with.

Under Peki Sir Mao and Ant, TIE was a beast.

Makinso Game profile


Jun 16th 2018, 22:19:11

I also think that ranking LaF and SOL as 1 and 2 is a switch up position at this point going from set to set.

If you got at all time dominance comparing SOL and LaF is comparing apples with oranges heh. It just won't work.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 17th 2018, 3:36:24

TIE and ARROW absolutely should be there but honestly only in terms of how they performed in the heyday. Neither had even as much longevity/history as like Camelot. Those are, imo, two here and gone clans that had no significance on anything but the JOLT era of E2025. I don't think either of those clans were even relevant during the OMEC era and definitely didn't exist after the move to EE. Arrow used to have some serious members but fully 0 longevity. I would rank Elysium higher than even ARROW. If I'm selecting a top dog, clans that existed for five years or less frankly make ICN look good regardless of how they performed.

You wouldn't say elders in this list ever for any reason. Let's just be honest. But in the last two years elders has won wars against every top clan on two servers.

I'd include SkyDeletez for their cafe club aspect in Malaysia/Singapore into discussion during the middle of the JOLT era. It's a shame honestly they were frequently deleted. In terms of destock ability wargaining on a botless server I dare say they were unmatched.

That clan is at least partially responsible for showing off how to max returns on lgs during wars to win both anw and a war at the same time. Imo, they were the truth when it came to strategy and versatility. Which again in my opinion is what this game makes tick. Imo rank them over any other 5 year clan.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 17th 2018, 3:37:49

I also think deletez is responsible for the land:land retal and the most land on a fasc wins the server strats. Big impacts.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 17th 2018, 3:50:00

Also, I'm happy monsters made this list. I don't think a lot of people would include them, but in terms of playing their game it's hard to argue with. I've killed everyone at some time or another except them. Honestly they've always been nice to me and have been around forever. They ought to get that spot you gave them even if their impact over time was almost nonexistent

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 17th 2018, 4:05:53

I am
Considering dropping Rage for Tie.


Laf beat SOL in wars
SOL never came close to LaF in netting
I am huge SOL fan
But SOL is ranked 2 high:)
Z is #1

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 17th 2018, 5:25:22

TheOMega and MONSTERS should not be on the list IMO. If you're talking about netting than LAF takes that crown many times over and EVO should be above Omega and MONSTERS at one point. Since the game changes recently EVO hasn't evolved. If you're talking about ALL time and ERA's that CWG should be on that list along with ARROW and IX.

Ivan Game profile


Jun 17th 2018, 7:51:43

LOL cant even compare Omega history with monsters, evo or cwg
omega definately belongs up there


Makinso Game profile


Jun 17th 2018, 11:22:55

Server dominance though was not ever build upon netting ;)

Ivan Game profile


Jun 17th 2018, 14:41:10

being a top warring alliance doesnt equal server dominance only reason SOL is ranked so high is that they choosed to ally themselves with cheaters while SOF didnt.


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 17th 2018, 22:00:42

Welcome Back Ivan!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 0:00:55

@marshall how do you dominate the server if you're not warring? By having more food or oil than other tags?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 18th 2018, 0:43:31

If you can only do well at one thing you are not really dominating, imo.

That said I have no opinion on who dominated what and when.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 18th 2018, 2:24:53

fluff should be number 1. :p Honestly though you should go back further and add han, ucn, and tsa. If you are going to rank by simple server influence over time you should put RD higher regardless of one may think of them. Having said that I think arguing these threads is somewhat moot given most of the people who ran the tags you listed and influenced the politics are not around anymore. I can see why you would put LAF where you did but it depends on your point of view really. During my stint at the “great game” of alliance server politics I would say that IX should be higher on your list. I would say skill and leadership wise they were a bigger deal than laf (at that time). They just tended to be low key and for the longest time were good at not drawing negative attention to themselves. In terms of overall player skill though i would say that laf was better than ix when it came to netting/warring but at least in my era of being in sof leadership IX seemed more determined somehow. As for sol, unlike ix or laf they always seemed to need some kind of boogieman to keep them going. The bigger the boogieman, the stronger sol would get. I wont speak to sof because i am biased:p Would argue you need rival there. So how you rank depends on what you are going to value more: political savvy, netting, warring, server impact through actions?
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


IgnitionCWG Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 2:30:25

Almost needs a ranking by era.

archaic Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 3:10:56

I'm sorry but putting LCN, Monsters, and IX on there and leaving UCN off is just a joke. I'll grant Omega a place on this list just based on consistency, but they were never really a political factor other than as an MD lapdog. Honestly, Rage should be higher - their flame did not burn for long but it burned a hell of a lot brighter than most of the dumpster fires on this list. This list is highly biased by the EE world, LCN was never as important as even Ragnorok, RED, or ffs where is TIE? No TGA, Gents, SKy Elites, Seawolf, or Merc Inc? Hell iMag should be on this list just for their recruitment messages.

IX, lol everybody on the server mopped the floor with IX set after set but they get ranked above UCN and TIE?

Sol = over rated as usual

Ska 4 lyfe
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Garry Owen Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 6:34:31

A few points to reinforce including Rage on the list...
-- It was well over 500 members at the peak. And created the outposting system that allowed coordination of a massive size alliances. Many others copied that system in order to have effective super-large alliances
-- Largest FS in Earth history: 13.4k Hits, 111 Hits/Member
-- RAGE led the anti-RD coalition that sparked the bot wars and ultimately destroyed the era of RD terrorism. And Rage survived that very brutal year and came back strong with our ninja-vanish set, disappearing completely and reappearing well out of bot range and in top 5 of server for ANW
-- Longevity - Rage has been active in the game since forever, without missing a set. Are there any other 1st/2d generation alliances still in the game?

That said, your trying to do an almost impossible task. Comparing alliances across several decades of time with all the associated changes in technology, game rules, play style (netting vs warring), different numbers of players and more.....

But thank you for trying!!

IgnitionCWG Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 10:37:52

Remember when it used to be challenging to end in the top100, lol

Crippler ICD Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 12:41:48

[quote poster=KSFRekuyukai; 45296; 860507]To be heard, Homer was the dominant force in FFA for a while till literally the event called "The fall of Homer." [/quote

the start and fall of homer was with in 3 sets :P I dont know how that can be considered a dominant force lol

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 13:57:25

Originally posted by archaic:
IX, lol everybody on the server mopped the floor with IX set after set but they get ranked above UCN and TIE?

I remember that very differently--I was in Rage until about 2004 or 2005. Sure, IX and its coalitions may have lost a couple wars here and there, but otherwise they were able to put together a political powerhouse that lasted a long time and probably would never be matched. IIRC, they left when or soon after the old Gamerstown site got hacked and taken down.

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
A few points to reinforce including Rage on the list...
-- It was well over 500 members at the peak. And created the outposting system that allowed coordination of a massive size alliances. Many others copied that system in order to have effective super-large alliances
-- Largest FS in Earth history: 13.4k Hits, 111 Hits/Member

I was there for these first two. I can still remember bits and pieces of Tirol's message to Rage when the membership hit around 514. And the FS that followed was like nothing I'd ever seen. Just a lowly member sitting in a full IRC channel, hoping my dialup connection wouldn't falter.

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
-- RAGE led the anti-RD coalition that sparked the bot wars and ultimately destroyed the era of RD terrorism. And Rage survived that very brutal year and came back strong with our ninja-vanish set, disappearing completely and reappearing well out of bot range and in top 5 of server for ANW

Yeah, but with like 30 or 40 members, IIRC. RD pretty much wiped the floor with everyone that stepped to them, mostly because they had infiltrated every major alliance and some minor alliances in the game. Only reason RD faded away was due to RL issues and boredom.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 14:54:47

RoCK was a powerhouse for 3-4 sets. I'd hardly consider them top all-time. I mean, Elitez were a more dominant force.

It's almost laughable to have RoCK in there, but not UCN/Arrow/Elitez/TIE/PDM.

trumper Game profile


Jun 19th 2018, 12:58:30

But Servant, 11 is actually just number 1 twice.

trumpoz Game profile


Jun 19th 2018, 13:03:35

But Servant, 11 is actually just number 1 twice.

I am trumper's multi.



Jun 20th 2018, 16:46:02

These rankings are so E2025
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 27th 2018, 23:57:23

Again, Rock created the first Coalition, and the first database for grabbing.
That makes them top 10.

resets were also 3-4 months back then, not the 7 weeks of today.....
Z is #1

iZenebas Game profile


Jun 28th 2018, 6:04:43

SoF should be on the list, for basically killing the hell out of everything. I have no amity toward IX or TIE but they were both solid as well.

iMag for honourable 11th on the basis that we died the most

Kelts Game profile


Jun 28th 2018, 6:44:04

iMag will never be 11th.

Makinso Game profile


Jun 28th 2018, 10:58:31

[quote poster=NukEvil; 45296; 860683]
Originally posted by archaic:
IX, lol everybody on the server mopped the floor with IX set after set but they get ranked above UCN and TIE?

I remember that very differently--I was in Rage until about 2004 or 2005. Sure, IX and its coalitions may have lost a couple wars here and there, but otherwise they were able to put together a political powerhouse that lasted a long time and probably would never be matched. IIRC, they left when or soon after the old Gamerstown site got hacked and taken down.

Being part of mutually leading that coalition for quite a while the political powerplay of SLIT I and SLIT II was immense. The alliances committed to SLIT had an indvidual loss here and there, but the grouped efforts were never beaten.

Ivan Game profile


Jun 28th 2018, 15:32:38

the group efforts were beaten in the first war :P and would have been beaten in the other wars too if it actually had continued as group wars



Jun 28th 2018, 17:00:55

I agree with Makinso.

I fought IX reset after reset until I left Ragnarok when we had that new server and joined IX. Had a blast there. Stayed until they shut the door several resets later.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Ivan Game profile


Jun 28th 2018, 17:21:33

and sure ix was a power house but not a very clean powerhouse

Ruths Body

New Member

Jun 28th 2018, 22:50:49


Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 29th 2018, 1:10:25

We at Paradigm were top 5 clan for close to a decade, during the peak of the game. We had numbers, stability and longevity. We warred the bots, were apart of multiple coalitions and left an impact on this game.

Here is my top 10 and its a tie.

M4D Founder

Karnage XZ


Jun 29th 2018, 5:57:27

I'm the best and the rest of you are just here to support me. eNuff said...
Do as I say, not as I do.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 29th 2018, 15:05:04

Originally posted by Leto:
We at Paradigm were top 5 clan for close to a decade, during the peak of the game. We had numbers, stability and longevity. We warred the bots

No, you got STOMPED by the bots for multiple resets until your alliance resorted to some of the same tactics as those you were fighting were using. And then earthstats took a dump and PDM immediately ceased to be relevant.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Ivan Game profile


Jun 29th 2018, 18:39:58

lol@leto not mentioning SOF

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 29th 2018, 21:53:20

1) Hat
2) Ar
3) Din
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2018, 18:44:55

Throw them in their too :p
M4D Founder

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2018, 4:26:21

I notice that not one person mentioned TGA, arguably the first large alliance. TGA put the fear of God into their enemies for many resets.

TGA only landgrabbed from their own membership, and automatically didn't hit anyone else first, but when someone hit them, it was then that TGA came on hard and usually landkilled the offender.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!