
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 24th 2018, 0:25:17

Originally posted by Riddler:
Originally posted by Celphi:
I rarely keep up with the politics of this server., but to blindside a netting clan is kinda lame.

I like LAF and several of their members, but this move is likely going to send more members to their clan. I prefer to see diversity of clans on a server. I'm skeptical that there wasn't an alternative solution.

they can all come to Rage :p

Yeah I was actually pointing this out the other day. The more the smaller tags get molested the more we see membership move to a two tag system. The typical reasons for this is netters in small tags just want to lazily net with old pals and chat a bit. Small war tags seem to have the ability to try to sustain thru assembling a bloc (as an effort to take on one of the large clans or by attacking small netter tags. Due to the fact that small war tags must align themselves to survive against the threat of a larger clan, their only natural enemies become small netting tags or blocs against the large tags.) though the act of doing that seems to get the small war tags singled out and wrecked in a day by a much larger threat (see laf and sol recently).

Following the current arc (In the last year ish we've seen 2 war tags dissolve into sol and three netting tags into laf, potentially 4 if lcn truly dissolves after this set), we're absolutely headed for Drumpfkinso and Gerdillary and if you don't pick one you've already beat yourself.

With at least 40% of membership of the game not wanting to play with those guys but also being squeezed out of having their fun (whether war or net) I think you lose a great deal of membership. And at least lose all notions of parity. I don't often agree with celphi but he's absolutely spot on.