Sep 30th 2018, 6:10:15
Yeah in that way I think I chalk it up to being "for the best" as well. Deciding really if next set is like semi farming and killing reborn whenever they get big. Would probably be a decent strat for land. Land farming netting tags and getting killed is a bit of a pattern for them. That's all the fun for us I see around some netting next set. The zz, villains, hcfc and freebuch wins recently have been borderline uncontested. 3 of the 4 were always half smashed (cept the one hcfc didnt exist. Then zz was the only one that got grief but villains had only 4 tagged) hahaha. Would be interesting to see all 4 net. Then again I'm probably dreaming haha. One of us is going to end up having to kill reborn or some crap haha.