


Nov 18th 2010, 15:04:33

why is no one playing Fs on Express?

let us examine the plight of the F since feb10

prior to feb10
F had 15% farm bonus and 50% oiler bonus
the gov type lacked flexibility and was a terrible casher, techer and indi but that was ok because it was the dominant farmer
there was almost always a midset food spike that buoyed the Fs
on occasion the price of oil would exceed $400 and Fs had a field day
Ds were a solid farming competitor but had to get fully teched to compete so Fs held their own until set end
although if you look at the historical record Fs rarely placed in the top ten

after feb10
F still had only a 15% farmer bonus but now had a 75% oiler bonus
still lacked flexibility
the value of the oiler bonus was debatable
Ds were still pretty much the only solid competitor and Ds got no
feb10 bonus
but with Hs' massive enhancement the Fs fell way behind the H capability and began to fade as gov type

after june10 (the TPT enhancement)
with the influx of ag tech the 15% farmer bonus was diminshed because the Ds could get that tech very quickly and inexpensively
the food spikes started to diminish in severity and duration
because oil is not teched the value of that market was diminshed as share of world GDP
we saw the rise of the H and R dashers and Fs simply could not compete
slagpit says that one F actually won a set at the end of this time frame actually the very first oct10 set but looking at the record there are very very few Fs in any top ten
and dont tell me there were a lot of Fs who jumped as Hs without proof because i was watching for that and did not see it happen
but they were still fairly represented in the general population

after Oct10
the private market for oil makes its appearance
a ceiling of $300 is imposed on oil
with the prevalence of Hs on the server the actual ceiling is around $240 since the Hs can buy it cheaply on their private market
a fully mil teched H can buy on the private market and compete with Fs on the public market
there was nt a midset food spike in set 3 or the gregg set
the number of competitive Fs is reduced to 3 or 4
D has become the dominant farmer
there are more Is than Fs

as to any assertions that Fs are vital for clan games, that is not relevant to this discussion
"F can do well on other servers" so what?
and the argument that you can not change F on express because it will confuse clan players on other servers has no merit

the issue at hand is what can we do about the indisputable fact that no one is playing Fs on express
we do not want a server where everyone plays one or two gov types do we?

Edited By: lincoln on Nov 18th 2010, 15:07:51
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