
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 24th 2019, 15:37:51

Lol syko found a way to blame me! NICE!

The honest truth is everyone was talking like drama babies so we pacted out. We spoke briefly with sol, sof and laf about this set. Anyone who had any knowledge of my opinion knows i was pushing for sof to fs stones/elders/sol (even offered a write in clause to our pact where sof could hit us without pact breaking). I do think this will be a better war for them than that tho. I wasn't sure theyd have the cajones but i think it should be a fun war.

If i had not pacted one of those three tags, and ended up hitting one, I'd have to listen to far more drama than i already had to, and going forward, i dont think laf or sol would EVER defend elders if they were attacked by anything more than a suicider. It wasnt a decision based on old alliances. It was based purely on not wanting to listen to the leaders of those three clans complain to me about elders this and that when in reality we could get hit by sof in early fs and neither clan would bail us out. Easy decision to remain on the fence. Weezy was there when i talked myself into pacting out. He can attest it had nothing to do with allies or old stories. I just didnt wanna get some pm from maki or xyle or gains being all like WTF BRO YOU KICKED MY DOG. Had enough of that and wanted a break from it. So i kicked cubans dog.

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 24th 2019, 15:42:53
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