
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:29:20

He's a little bizarre but he speaks really well about bipolar disorder as well. Dave is a staunch liberal so the politics part is a little uncomfortable, but it's still interesting to hear that perspective imo.

I always had assumed the right was like "HAHAHA, YEAH, LOOK AT THAT fluff LIBERAL ALL TRIGGERED. LOLZ"

I'm honestly v surprised that's not how many feel.

The political climate is so toxic rn i guess we're almost looking at each other thru the same lens. Like damn that dudes being real crazy and disrespectful lol.

I guess maybe we are all just a little crazy and disrespectful

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 7th 2019, 16:32:41
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