
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2019, 22:40:27

Try to imagine fighting with and against every clan in this game over the years like me and syko have. If you peeked at the memorial forum, you'd get a better idea of how the community actually feels about people, clanmate or not. We've all become really close.

I want good wars as much as the next guy and sometimes i do dumb fluff to get them, but i actually know a large number of people that play even in sof but also everywhere. People like gutty and ironx are people i consider personal friends. I know what they do for a living and for leisure. We've pinged each other repeatedly at 3am and theres walls people remember from years ago when i dropped my phone in my own vomit walling ironx lol. We have a ton of memories together.

When people come here with no knowledge of us or how we feel about each other, and seem to just have the blantant intention of making the game so toxic that i never see those people again, it's frustrating. I've never liked xyle so i wasnt going to ever do sof reunion even tho i played there a handful of sets. I think syko did the right thing though, in supporting the interests of keeping the community together.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 30th 2019, 22:43:27
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