
Tigress Game profile


Sep 2nd 2019, 18:57:04

[quote poster=BROmanceNZ; 47627; 911873]Tigress, earlier you said:

Originally posted by Tigress:
federal law prohibits those with a criminal background from purchasing firearms, ... yet the above somehow still occurred.

Then, above, you've quoted (I removed the relevant background check points to focus on the point about private sales):

[quote poster=Tigress; 47627; 911870] Under federal law:

* Under federal law, private individuals are not required to a conduct a background check before selling or transferring a firearm to someone who lives in the same state, but it is illegal and punishable by up to 10 years in prison for a private individual to sell or transfer a firearm while “knowing” or having “reasonable cause to believe” that the recipient falls into one of the prohibited categories above.[89] [90] [/quote]

That might not account for every case of a firearm obtained by someone who wouldn't pass a Federal background check but it's definitely a risk area. [/quote]

the crazy part about this is that the guns used in mass shootings in most cases were purchased legally and other than the person technically stealing the gun(s) from a household they had access to the purchase went thru a background check.

ffs we are talking about 10ths of a percentage point, in the neighborhood of six sigma enforcement.

I mean seriously, when Britain is actually considering a knife ban, it should be a clear indicator banning or heavily regulating weapons is not going to stop rampage killing anytime soon. Does France need to ban trucks? After the Boston bombings should we be looking into banning or heavily regulating pressure cookers? Japan with Sarin gas, China with swords, Europe and the Middle East with bombs.

There are much larger issues at play here than the weapons being used to carry out these atrocities. Mass/Rampage killing is not limited to the USA, the weapon(s) used are different based on country and region. Saying guns in the USA are the issue is misleading and obfuscating what is clearly a global problem.

Some random person on the planet wakes up one morning and decides to use whatever it is they have at their disposal to kill as many people as they can in the period of time it takes for someone else to stop them. <--- this is the actual issue we are looking at.

Happy Hunting
