

New Member

Nov 25th 2010, 7:04:10

Starting this set. Be aware of our retaliation policy for incoming and outgoing hits, it will be enforced.

Update: We decided we're not going to be flufftards and enforce absurd policies. However:

Be aware that continued double taps will not be accepted. If you make a LG or a retal, please send an in-game message stating it as such. If you make an accidental harmful, be sure to send an in-game message and have an alliance leader contact me or a FA immediately. Don't make a habit of showing up in our news. Our preference is to not war our first set, but we will not accept anyone thinking they can take advantage of us, either.

-Retaliation Policy-

2:3 (However, continued double taps will not be accepted)
3:kill(Case by case basis)

AB/Harmful Spy/GS/BR/Missiles
kill (Case by case basis)

Anything listed as 'kill': Contact us immediately. We will be forgiving of mistakes. No contact within 24 hours can result in severe consequences.

-Foreign Affairs: Alliances-
Historically we are a very neutral alliance, without many close allies, and without many enemies. We stick together and keep to ourselves for the most part. If you want to learn more about me, our members, or about the alliance, I am usually free for a discussion. During the set, any emergency FA should be done through me, and any day-to-day FA done with any of our FA ministers, who will be announced later.

-Foreign Affairs: Recruitment-
We are not actively recruiting at this time; However, if you are interested in learning more, or becoming a member, you can contact me.

-FA Contacts-
At this time, please contact only me for any FA inquiries.

nullcitrus, dictator
aim: nullcitrus
icq: 637360078

Edited By: nullcitrus on Nov 26th 2010, 2:20:34. Reason: Policy Revised
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