
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 17:48:21

Yeah. I've given it some thought and read the responses. Ordinarily I attempt to find a way to agree with any developments to the game on principle. There have been full eras of this game, even recently, where devs or admins or even mods are too inactive and nothing happens here while the community slowly falls apart. So as a rule of thumb, i try to be as supportive as possible for ANY and ALL developments. Something is better than nothing.

This rule, however, distincly provides a direction where i would no longer have a use for an alliance with a clan like Monsters and vise versa. In fact, there will be legitimately NO REASON for me to interact with a tag like that AT ALL. If the fear of splitting servers is indeed fracturing the player base, then this rule applied does in essence the exact same thing.

Politics and interpersonal relationships are the primary basis for what clans do in a set. And i think if you took a poll, a vast majory of us are here largely because of those relationships, and not so much because this is the coolest game we've ever played.

I think providing a system where clans have no need to interact whatsoever fractures the relationships that makes this game enjoyable for a player like myself...

There's people I love and people I love to hate on. That's why i net. That's why I war. I wouldnt play 1a if not for the relationships ive made with people due to forced alliances at times or even arranged war. Hell, suiciders are the reason monsters and elders became tight in the first place.

Would i have ever met cyref, a guy i respect and care about in this game as much as anyone, if netting tags were allowed isolationism? My thought is no.

It seems to me, if killing the only reason i communicate with half the server does not completely fracture the community in anyone's head, they just aren't paying attention.

Whether or not this is a good solution for the suicider problem, to me, is a moot point. It's bad for community and our relationships. It will push players further away from each other. And people like me who value the community above all else, net or war, are essentially squeezed out. In essence, this kills the one part of the game i enjoy most which is my interactions with y'all. Therefore, as much as id like to support any development, i must say this rule is one of the worst ive seen. I feel forced to enjoy the aspects i like least, and enjoy the company of only whoever is left.

With that, i must say I'm officially adamantly opposed.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 27th 2019, 17:53:56
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