
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 23:32:57

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
*misses Trumpoz and his sense of humor...From now dedunct LCN and Spooge.... and Stones were nice guys too actually
I think youll find 90% of this community knows each other very well and looks out for each other.

Boltar sof owes me $50 because i helped him get his CNA back. He got a job again this passed week, a fact I'm very happy to have assisted in. I hope he stays on his feet for life. He is not a clanny.

Taker stones and i got hot dogs when i was in florida for spring ball. He's a really cool guy.

Bru's wife has me on speed dial as well because she liked talking to me when he had his bouts with illness.

I met Vicvixvi's wifer after he passed away when she got in a wreck. Id have been remiss not to help out.

The more people you know here, skywise, i think the less you'll want any of us to have a bad day at your expense. It's a very small very close community. Please do not endorse an asshole who ran an asset out. Whether you're close to him or not, he's driving a machete between me and some of my best friends in the world. Consider that.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 18th 2019, 23:35:34
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