
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 23rd 2020, 1:13:04

I'm around. It's a tired convo tho.

I don't have to like that imp hits defenseless countries. We can agree to disagree on that, but also I've found small totals of military (i.e. 1.5m jets break raw on 50k acres at a low end) tend to keep imp topfeeds off us. They rarely reach for those hits and i can pretty simply cover the MMRs in that department with my tag and avoid those interactions. There are currently players in every major tag that are below our lowest country in nw/land including imp itself. We're the most defense heavy netting tag, and those hits tend to go to other clans.

I would say in the last year, we've had between 1 or 2 of our near 40 interactions with imp involve that sort of hit. The rest was pure griefer behavior. Talking quad taps oop, talking 5k acre PS grabs in the last couple hours of a set, talking 50m jet break topfeeds in the final hours, etc.

I agreed to pay the retals myself and prime agreed to address for a second time why intraclan FARMING and griefing even in the final hours is unacceptable behavior for imp.

I don't think there is a player out there that would call topfeeding a 130m nw country in the final hour or two anything other than cowardly, and I'm pleased to know Prime is in agreement with me there, and has agreed to address that with his members. I don't mind paying retals myself, as free land is so abundant here. As long as we understand each other that this sort of behavior is unacceptable and will in the future be dealt with.

I'll take his word on that today, and gladly look forward to a more productive relationship between the two tags that does not involve quad taps and end of set griefing. And i hope, as a man typically of his word, that repercussions will befall members of both our tags for such behavior.

Thanks prime and imp for considerations in this regard. It's been a ridiculously long time coming.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 23rd 2020, 2:15:01
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