
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 5th 2020, 5:23:41

Originally posted by Celphi:
Effective walling is literally the most difficult action of the game.

That couldn't be further removed from the truth. It has everything to do with availability and preferably being on a computer.

I am one of the better wallers in this game not because of skill lol. I seek to level the playing field so that others can better compete with me, and you want to keep your advantage. Seems like you are the one trying to gear the game to benefit yourself.

I mostly think that a text based game shouldn't require of players 24/7 15 second availability to be effective. It's not sensible considering the demographic now playing this game.
Originally posted by Celphi:
Nerf CD: No.
Nerf bio: No.
Nerf restart bonus: No.
Nerf SDI: No.

My bio suggestion is not a nerf to bioterror, it makes it more powerful in conjunction with other attacks.

I actually buffed restart bonus, but who is counting? :P

I actually buffed SDI greatly, but again who is counting?

I do see your point about missiles. If SDI is made stronger to counter chem kills it makes sense that the weak NMs and cruise missiles that everyone keeps throwing on bots to make room for more CMs should be buffed to compensate. I would give a flat buff EMs and give nukes a new purpose that makes them more useful in an extended war.

Hard earned missiles should not be wasted.

And when it comes to CDs it was actually widely agreed between warrers mostly that they are too strong if you read the thread I linked. Most posters were from SOL and Elders even tho netters from LaF, Monsters and PS all agreed with it. CDs are super powerful and you are using them every day because of it, because you think its more powerful even than attacking. It makes sense imo to nerf the aspects of the game that are considered the strongest so that it challenges players to find new optimal ways to play. And since most netters and most warrers (very much including you) think that CDs are very strong, they can afford to be slightly weakened.

Edited By: Gerdler on Feb 5th 2020, 5:35:11
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