
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 14th 2020, 4:57:02

Originally posted by archaic:
Two types of person that becomes a cop:

1. Guy that was a bully as a kid and realizes that he might as well do it professionally as an adult - getting paid to hit the weak with a stick is a dream career.

2. Guy that got bullied as a kid and his lil short fat donut eating ass won't ever get bullied again if he has a badge, gun, and 9 carloads of back-up if fluff gets edgy.

Driving around all day wearing mall ninja armor fluffing with poor people over a busted tail light while the chief is trying to figure if he has the budget for an armored personnel carrier with a machine gun turret to execute weed warrants with. Are we great yet?

I was actually just talking today about how theres like riots and plagues and record unemployment etc. If there really IS a DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY I need to find a way to vote for it because honestly in my experience it does a better job lol. Hopefully a haram of wizards pull puppet strings on joe Bidens slowly decaying face to make him say the words of the illuminati or whatever that can give us a do over on 2020 like fluff haha.