
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 14th 2020, 7:02:15

Also, lumping me in with people destroying stuff is about as ignorant as you could possibly be when addressing someone who has worked for 15 years to defund the ATF and invest in education. I don't burn buildings, I get our children better books. Certainly wasnt long ago that I had a bunch of Waco and ruby Ridge empathizers marching with me and biker gangs protecting the protests. I remember back in those days the right screaming about how the pro-union Democrats wanted to militarize the police and let them in your homes. What a fluffin difference a decade makes. Seems 90% of everyone pulled a fluffin 180 on me and I'm the only idiot who actually just wanted the same thing the whole time.

And now the very same people who used to march with me are claiming I wreck my city because I literally hold consistent beliefs. It's so silly. I wish y'all hadn't been bullfluffting me 15 years ago when I started working on this stuff, and you'd change your minds as soon as black people agreed with you. But I'd very much love to go back to just fighting the Democrats on it. They're tough enough as it is.