
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 10th 2020, 17:26:20

Liberal likes some socialist policies - right says Venezuela
Liberal has guns but calls for back ground checks - right says they wanna take your guns away.

Trump lost. The time to make wild accusations about the policy liberals want is over and the time to listen to them tell you has begun . You act like theres a one size fits all box for someone nationalizing industry which won't happen.

But the truth is, you don't have to speculate wildly anymore. They hold most of government so instead of fearmongering using the most radical examples, we can have a discussion about actual policy the government puts forth. Or at least I'd hope so.

Thatcher, while keynesianism strong which Biden is not like, wanted to nationalize industry which Biden wouldnt do, and while attempting to balance a mixed economy, never endorsed a wealth tax which we are discussing. It's a horrible example and just like not even in the same ballpark to what I'm saying or what we are talking about. She didnt have billionaires in her economy.

It's just a Breitbart trope that you've half researched but keep repeating, but it actually has no place and doesnt even make sense in this convo. Were talking about a wealth tax not a welfare state. WAY different things.

Further, weve seen Reagan's policy work in it's time, but create a giant wealth gap after 50 years. Do I think Trump is Ronald Reagan? No. Do I think different policy worked in different ways in a smaller more nationalist 1960s and 70s economy? Yes. Do I think it's dumb to bring up Thatcher and Reagan when our economy is tied to global markets rather than national policy? You betcha.

It's just a bad example. Try having the conversation on merits instead of making a 50 year old reference to completely different policy, or imma start comparing trump to the post-war consensus and you can see how stupid it sounds when the shoe is on the other foot.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 10th 2020, 17:52:08
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