
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2020, 4:19:31

It wouldnt have been a piece of trash human, it would have been a piece of human trash or a trash human.

Why tho, did someone wanna debate the merits of what is personal when I'm literally talking on a thread on a page with less than 10 messages where someone attempted to make personal attacks about my job history? Everyone has a line, mine just happened to be crossed when chevs made a detailed post calling me a pedophile. What's your line?

I liked the politics discussion better. Dont be silly. We had a solid three pages of conversation I actually enjoyed about politics with no personal fluff on it. We were debating bills on the merits and such. And talking about Kaynes and Thatcher. Let's not go down this road guys. Or at least pick another thread.

Anyone care to discuss the supreme court's reaction to the ACA debate today or are we so reduced to idiocracy that we cant even talk about what's actually happening anymore, and just wanna sling mud?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 11th 2020, 4:23:18
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