
raz Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 24th 2020, 13:10:36

I saw Kahuna playing the last 2-3 weeks and decided to troll him, that was entertaining.

When kahuna wouldnt come out of hiding i joined GDI and farmed. I had zero intention on playing over the weekend except to maybe to cash turns as a CI.

When I farmed you it was originally a mistake I farmed #83 instead of #81 - as I mentioned in game who sends 800k jets to break an all jetter with 80k turrets.

But I farmed it beyond reps, I apologized in game not much else I can do. You asked me to stop I did, but I’m not stupid I knew you needed to restock turns and rebuild. You keep talking like I care I got ab’ed lol. I mean you should have killed it when I didn’t log back in.

You take this game way too serious netquash, I’ll make sure not to ruin this weekend for you. Jeez.

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.