
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 5th 2021, 9:54:26

Originally posted by Slagpit:

1) The "Allow other players to see you on leaderboards" preference option will be removed. All players will be visible on leaderboards.

I see only benefits with this. Great change (as long as the leaderboard updates are fixed, which is my understanding).

Originally posted by Slagpit:

2) The "Allow other players to see previous countries" preference option will be changed to "Allow other players to see your previous countries created before 2021". Existing configuration values will be preserved. Think of this as revealing ownership for all new countries for all players going forward. The most likely outcome is that country owners will be public for countries created as part of resets that start after the upcoming alliance server start time. The exact timing hasn't been determined and 2020/2021 isn't the true cutoff. The wording isn't precise because it would have been too lengthy.

That all countries owners are revealed after the reset is a great improvement and I think it will be a much easier game to moderate and more chill to play once every player has to stand for the actions he takes.

When it comes to the not 'revealing countries created before 2021'-part. I understand part of the reasoning could be that actions that were taken with the impression that they would remain hidden forever would perhaps feel betrayed by exposing them against their will. I get that part.
But, this is a game. No action taken in here 2 or 5 years ago will have any consequences, probably not even in the game.
We all have things we have done that we may have regretted. And I think If those things came out in the open it would generate some harsh words. Maybe even a fight or two(I honestly doubt it). It would all die down within a week or two.
On the upside: My enemies would like to see my past so they could critique me. I would want to see theirs. But most of all, I think the past country statuses and the linkage with players can help players learn about each others strategies and kinks and such as well as make us talk to each others.

If I were to venture a guess I would say thay for every negative conflict that steals energy that would be created by a universal opening of all of the leaderboards history, there would be several positive bridges created by players who realize who they been talking to, exchanging grabs with, beaten/gotten beaten by in the past. Because when we play a social game, and hiding who we are probably has advantages for our gameplay in many cases, but doing so ruins the social aspects of the game to a degree.

I'm not sure I would open my profile to show the past countries if I had the option, that is precisely why I think you need force me to open it fully.