
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 6th 2021, 10:57:18

Originally posted by Slagpit:
It is possible to declare war on any non-GDI clan. War allows any kind of attack or spy op between the two clans without restriction. There is a 48 hour waiting period before hostilities can commence. All members of the attacking and defending clans are immediately notified of the war declaration.


4) Changes for countries in a non-GDI clan

Originally posted by Slagpit:
* Harmful ops and missiles launched against countries in GDI clans have a 50% chance of being blocked by their GDI clan level defenses.

++ Is this removed if a GDI clan declares war on a non-GDI clan? Or is this intended as a buff to clan-GDI countries in terms of warring against non-GDI clans?

Originally posted by Slagpit:
* Harmful ops launched by countries in GDI clans are 50% less likely to succeed.

++ Is this removed if a GDI clan declares war on a non-GDI clan? Or is this intended as a buff to clan-GDI countries in terms of warring against non-GDI clans?

Edited By: Requiem on Feb 6th 2021, 10:59:22
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