
TheMafia Game profile


May 20th 2015, 4:36:15

========================What it does======================
Score Board:
Portal Leader Boards:
Market (v2):
Research (v3):
Browser Tab Title (v3):
Buildings (v4):
Spy (v6):

This script calculates networth per acre of the people around you in the scores page. It then displays this number to you and also highlights some players that might be of interest to you, for either attacking or defending from. Check out the screen shots below for details. Remember to put your player name into the script.
Player GOV type is moved next to the players name

Version 6:
-SPY Page:
--When you've spied on a country a new field should show up at the end of the 'Military Forces' called 'Min. Attack'
--This is a VERY simple calculation, troops /2 + turrets + tanks *4
--NOT PART OF THE CALCULATION: Gov type and weapon research

Version 5.5 - Recent updates and Market click fix:
-When hovering in market, you will see total cost of the units you hovered over.
Clicking will populate the buy field with the amount you just hovered over ( so if you hovered over 200,000 turrets, the cost will show up, then when you click it 200,000 will get populated into the buy field)

-Minor updates to scores display
--net/acre that are nearly half of your net/acre will show up in red too

Version 4:
-The buildings page now has the same functionality as the research page in version 3.

Version 3 - Research and more:
-Research tools have been created
-Both market and scores pages refresh on a 1 minute basis now
-Some changes to how the title displays in the browser, now shows: R:[Rank] (if available) T:(Turns) M:$Money
-Minor bug fixes

Version 2 - Market Additions:
When you mouse over the yellow columns, for any product, that amount is multiplied by the market value and displayed to you in the input field on the right. (i have stretched the field to fit billion dollar figures)
This applies to:
-Buy goods
-Buy Tech

Browser (like chrome) with a javascript auto execute add on (like 'TamperMonkey', google it) or equvilent
add on needs to support including jQuery library

What you need to do:
Lets say you use tamperMonkey and chrome.
-Open the dashboard for tampermonkey
-start a new script
-copy the script from below into the new page.

Script (last update: Aug 26, 2015):

// ==UserScript==
// @name EarthEmpires - Assit Tools and Calculations
// @namespace
// @version 5.5
// @author TheMafia
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

var currentPage = window.location.href;
var turns = jQuery(".topbar td:contains('Turns:')").last().text().replace("Turns: ", "");
var money = jQuery(".topbar td:contains('Money:')").last().text().replace("Money: ", "");
document.title = "T:("+ turns + ")" + "M:"+ money;

if ((currentPage.indexOf("scores") > 0 || (currentPage.indexOf("market") > 0 && currentPage.indexOf("sell") < 1)) && currentPage.indexOf("forum") <= 0) {
var intv = setTimeout(function(){
var curPage = window.location.href;
window.location = curPage;
}, 60000);

if (currentPage.indexOf("spy") > 0){
//Check if spied
if (jQuery("th:contains('Military Forces')").length > 0){
var parentBody = jQuery("th:contains('Military Forces')").parent().parent();
jQuery(parentBody).append("<tr><td>Min. Attack:</td><td class='rt' id='forceCalc'></td></tr>");

var troops = parseInt(jQuery(parentBody).find("tr").eq(2).find("td").eq(1).text().replace(",","")) ;
var turrets = parseInt(jQuery(parentBody).find("tr").eq(4).find("td").eq(1).text().replace(",",""));
var tanks = parseInt(jQuery(parentBody).find("tr").eq(5).find("td").eq(1).text().replace(",",""));
console.log("1: "+ troops + " -2:"+ turrets +" -3:"+ tanks);

var attackMin = (troops /2) + turrets + (tanks *4);

if (currentPage.indexOf("market") > 0){
//Init settings
jQuery("table.contenttable tr").children("td:nth-child(7)").find("input").css({"width":"95px"});
jQuery("table.contenttable tr").children("td:nth-child(1)").each(function(){
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace("Military", "Mil."));

var tempNum = 0;
var tempVal = 0;
var cashAmount = "";
var tax = 1 + (jQuery(".mTax").html().replace("%", "").toLocaleString() / 100);
jQuery("table.contenttable tr").has("").each(function(){
jQuery(this).find("td:nth-child(5), td:nth-child(6), td:nth-child(2)").hover(
tempNum = jQuery(this).html();
tempVal = jQuery(this).closest("tr").children("td:nth-child(7)").find("input").val();

cashAmount = "$" + Math.ceil((Math.round(jQuery(this).closest("tr").children("td:nth-child(3)").find("input").val()) * Math.round(jQuery(this).html().replace(",", "").replace(",", "").replace("$", "")) * tax)).toLocaleString();

}, function(){

tempVal = jQuery(this).html(); //jQuery(this).closest("tr").children("td:nth-child(7)").find("input").val();

if (currentPage.indexOf("scores") > 0 || currentPage.indexOf("ranks") > 0 || currentPage.indexOf("clans") > 0){
var self = jQuery("td.c-own").html().split("(")[1].replace(")","");
var land = 0;
var networth = 0;
var perAcre = 0;
var rank = 0;
var selfPer = 0;
var selfLand = 0;
var selfNet = 0;
var selfRank = 0;

jQuery("p:contains('server.')").append(" <a target='_blank' href='';;>EeStats</a>");

if(jQuery(this).html().indexOf(self) > 1){
selfRank = Math.round(jQuery(this).find("td:first").html());
document.title = "R:["+ selfRank +"]" + document.title;

if (land === 0){
land = Math.round(jQuery(this).html().replace(",", "").replace(",", ""));
networth = Math.round(jQuery(this).html().replace(",", "").replace(",", "").replace("$", ""));
selfPer = Math.round(networth / land);
selfLand = Math.round(land);
selfNet = Math.round(networth);

land = 0;
networth = 0;
perAcre = 0;
rank = 0;

jQuery(this).find("td:nth-child(2)").append(" ["+ jQuery(this).find(".ct").html() +"]");

rank = Math.round(jQuery(this).find("td:first").html());
if (land === 0){
land = Math.round(jQuery(this).html().replace(",", "").replace(",", ""));
networth = Math.round(jQuery(this).html().replace(",", "").replace(",", "").replace("$", ""));
perAcre = Math.round(networth / land);

if ((networth / 2) <= selfNet && (selfNet / 2) <= networth){
if (selfPer > (perAcre * 1.5)){
}else if (selfPer > perAcre){

if (((selfLand > land) && (selfRank > rank)) || ((selfLand < land) && (selfRank < rank))){

if (currentPage.indexOf("research") > 0){
var tpt = Math.round(jQuery(".TPT").html().replace(/,/g, ''));
var curVal = 0.0;
var newVal = 0.0;
var tCount = 0;

jQuery(".turntable tr:nth-child(13)").find("td").append("<div id='tSpent' style='display:inline'></div>");
jQuery(".turntable tr.ct").each(function(){
if (jQuery(this).find("td input[value='Research Technology']").length == 0){
curVal = Math.round(jQuery(this).closest("tr").find("input:text").val());
mult = 5;
}else if(evt.altKey){
mult = 0.5;
mult = 1;
newVal = Math.floor(curVal + (tpt * mult));
tCount = tCount + mult;

jQuery("#tSpent").html(" ("+ tCount + ")");

if (currentPage.indexOf("build") > 0){
var bpt = Math.round(jQuery(".BPT").html());
var curVal = 0.0;
var newVal = 0.0;
var tCount = 0;

jQuery(".contenttable tr:nth-child(11)").find("td").append("<div id='tSpent' style='display:inline'></div>");
jQuery(".contenttable tr.rt").each(function(){
if (jQuery(this).find("td input[value='Construct Buildings']").length == 0){
curVal = Math.round(jQuery(this).closest("tr").find("input:text").val());

mult = 5;
}else if(evt.altKey){
mult = 0.5;
mult = 1;
newVal = Math.floor(curVal + (bpt * mult));
tCount = tCount + mult;

jQuery("#tSpent").html(" ("+ tCount + ")");

Let me know if you have installed it and what you think of it, or if you have any bugs

Edited By: TheMafia on Feb 21st 2021, 19:05:56
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