
TheMafia Game profile


Feb 24th 2021, 15:43:56

Originally posted by Gerdler:
You could perhaps incorporate the tech formula to calculate the weaps tech % and use government as well to math the real break with no allies?

Its pretty boring to calculate that in my TI-84 every time, and for alliance/team ofc we have GHQ that does it for you, but to have it in the browser would be dope!

I was thinking about how that would be the proper way to do it, but my energy was limited. Ill try to get to this.

Edit: i guess you can say that first version was a proof of concept to see if i could navigate that page via code as easily as the rest of the script has so far.

Edited By: TheMafia on Feb 24th 2021, 15:55:50
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