
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 1st 2021, 23:02:49

Originally posted by ironxxx:
Umm there are players that play all 162 it definitely isn't the standard, 20 games seems like alot to miss for scheduled maintenance thats roughly a game a week for a 5month season. Maybe the vets, the young guys should not need that much planned down time.

Cal Ripken Jr comes to mind obviously so does sweet Lou

Joey Votto for sure did it a couple times not for last couple years tho, I've played with guys that played against votto growing up.

Obviously no one last year played 162

I'm fairly certain there was 1 guy who did it in 2019, I remember reading 1 guy played all games

Yep it's just increasingly less likely this year. You could see relievers touch 100 innings this year and a lot of starters not go over 150. You're not gonna want to someone to throw 200 innings after they havent pitched in 2 years. And with covid rescheduling already pointing to double headers, those 162 game players also become less likely. I think this year you could see around 1700-1800 different people chew up major league innings this year.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Apr 1st 2021, 23:04:56
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