
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 8th 2021, 0:42:04

The 200% land to land policy never caused anyone to hit us. It was introduced halfway through the 4th reset of the SoFElders jihad on us where they pacted us with a 'NoFS pact' but proceeded with a massive landgrabbing campaign on us. For hits since that set mid 2017 we have claimed 200% land to land in less than 10 cases total.
And the policy is pretty much moot now anyway and won't be used unless game changes occur or someone grabs us over and over.

I also dont see why a 200% land:land retal policy causes more angst than a Kill:1 retal policy... what normally would result in a 2:1 or possibly a 3:1 is somehow more harsh than 250:1?

Edited By: Gerdler on Apr 8th 2021, 1:03:58. Reason: remembered what they called it
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