
MILORD Game profile


Apr 30th 2021, 18:12:35

Why do you only say that bots buy expensive technologies?
Maybe because many of you don't like playing as teachers and want cheap technology ...
It's not just technology that bots buy expensive! They buy expensive troops if there are no cheap troops or buy expensive food if there is no food for $ 40 or less.
Bots just follow a given program. They make up for the lack of players.
And the market lives by its own rules, by the rules of the market. If there are no farmers in this set, then the food will be expensive and there will be a high demand for it, well, in this spirit.
If you want to regulate the purchase of technology by bots, then adjust the price of their purchases for other goods as well.
This will be true of the teachers.
I also want to add that, orientationally, most of such strategies as cashier, oller, farmer, indie, teacher have equal chances of winning. But there are many players, and there should be 10 winners. The winner is the one who chose the right strategy, who feels the market, who knows how to calculate, and sometimes take risks.
And bots have nothing to do with it, they follow their program. They enrich the market and share the land with us.
Bots are not disingenuous or corrupt. LOL

Edited By: MILORD on Apr 30th 2021, 18:30:51
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