
Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Dec 14th 2010, 22:11:33

technically, healthcare is a public service since you don't actually have to pay for it when you receive it, least not if it's a "live saving" treatment, like they've ever saved a life. think they're just trying to get all the money into one pot so it's easier for them to take turns stealing from it.

$8,000 per day? oh my, seems a tad bit expensive, maybe i can get a cheaper quote that only involves 1 doctor, 1 nurse and the electrical cost required to operate the machinery. oh, we have to add in the pro-rated cost of the machinery.

and we also have this:

it's wealthcare. it's not about saving lifes, it's about hoarding money.

oh god. probably have to skim at least 30 pages of the search to get even close to finding out how much money the government grants to the healthcare industry to be able to help the poor and impoverished.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Dec 14th 2010, 22:39:33
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