
g0nz0 Game profile


May 10th 2022, 0:35:19

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Nah you got purpled for working together. Bayrock discussed it on another post.

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by bayrock:
No we didn't work together if you can please provide the evidence here I'm sure we will get to the bottom of this. Was there some spy operations or attacks and logs and timestamps to accompany that?

Check your other thread.
Good night.

We had 7 players involved in what is considered team activity on the server.
#7 skol
#9 Multi Noob
#11 Aturan
#52 ektar
#18 turtle head
#27 reddot
#95 max

Two kill runs by : #7,#11,#52,#18,#27,#95
Possible coordination based on forum post : #6,#9,#21

Lot more purples in that field. I guess NMP™ will get around to it after lunch tomorrow.
Barney is a purple dinosaur.

#7 - nope, wrecked by that one guy.
Will add more later.


GS 00:20 #18 --> #9 multi
GS 2:17 #7 ---> #9
GS 4:39 #52 ---> #9
BR 10:00 #18 ---> #9
GS 12:00 #52 ---> #9
GS 12:47 #7 ---> #9 (killed)
That's what noobs call a kill run/team activity
Skol,turtle head, ektar

It is coordination if they didn't get hit first by the other player.

All you need is this gonzo:
it is easy to see.
Have a good Sunday :)

Just for fun cuz gal wants to avoid banning friends

PS 00:32 #27 ---> #6
CM 00:41 #95 ---> #6
GS 00:55 #95 ---> #6
CM 1:27 #27 ---> #6
CM 3:54 #11 ---> #6
GS 9:25 #95 ---> #6
CM 12:11 #11 ---> #6
CM 16:21 #11 ---> #6
GS 16:24 #95 ---> #6 (killed)

Disinfluffingenuous. That's all just pure coincidence "retal" is it?
Timing is totally not suspect.
What's that Gerdler? "If you looked even a second at the people who got killed here you can't tell me they didnt deserve to get killed for what they did."
So it was ok to team kill run because they deserved it? It was Justice for us? Thanks guys! Rules are meant to be interpreted to my benefit ;))

Edited By: g0nz0 on May 10th 2022, 0:41:03
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