
Status Uploader


Jul 9th 2012, 2:49:33

This is an automatically generated thread. If you are an expert feel free to provide advice. Please follow all of the rules listed in the sticky thread. Respect the anonymity of this player's country: deducing and posting the country number of this country is a bannable offense. Further information about the player and the country:

Country owner:Withheld
Country strategy:Indy
Player experience:New
Best finish:N/A
Total finishes:0

Durkadurkastan Game profile

New Member

Aug 16th 2012, 16:52:23

Whats indy?

Edited By: Durkadurkastan on Aug 16th 2012, 16:55:45
See Original Post

skee Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 4:14:14

Indy refers to a country that specializes (builds its acres into) industrial complexes and makes its money selling the military generated on the market.