
Ian83 Game profile

New Member

Apr 10th 2014, 17:10:33

In the public market, I notice there is a column header that says 'asking price'. The prices are greyed out and generally less than the 'best price'. What's up with that?

AzNiZe Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 17:30:25

Standby orders .. people wants stuff for cheaper prices

Edited By: AzNiZe on Apr 10th 2014, 19:59:40

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 17:55:46

"Asking price" is the current highest priced standing order for that good. If there is no standing order, then asking price is listed with a dash (-).

From the ingame tutorial:
"Standing orders allow our country to conveniently purchase goods even when we aren't logged in. If we put up an order for Q quantity at price $P of good G, then our country will buy purchase up to Q units of G for all prices less than or equal to $P."

Offtopic: I bet a lot of people don't read the in game tutorial texts. Such as this one:
"Account for random chance!
All attacks have some element of chance. Our generals calculate that if we send more than 110% of the defender's power our attacks will be successful more than 99% of the time."

LATC Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 18:31:42

Speaking of asking price, I believe this is a FIFO queue. I tested it on a different server, highest asking price doesn't actually get first crack at the good. Any orders ahead of you w/ an asking price higher than a good will get filled first.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

Marshal Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 20:03:44

1st order in gets stuffs 1st and then 2nd etc and orders are dropped into bottom when those are partially filled and eventually expire (to avoid 1 player hogging all cheap stuffs like bushels in whole set).
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 3:08:25

There are several threads explaining how it works, LATC. :)

h2orich Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 7:12:23