
dibert Game profile


Nov 28th 2013, 0:44:33

I have 2 questions currently...if I declare war, it costs me 10 bux/acre...does it also cost my enemy the same??

Also if were in gdi, and he's attacked me only once, I know I can ss or ps them until they hit me again, however which spyops can I use against them before they violate gdi for me?

Also, if I declare war, does that negate gdi? Or am I "at war" but waiting for gdi violation?

Thanks in advance...I've read thru wiki, but much is relatively non specific info unfortunately.

Xinhuan Game profile


Nov 28th 2013, 1:01:23

It only costs you 10 bux/acre, it doesn't cost your opponent anything unless he declares war back on you.

You may only use non-harmful spy ops (Spy, Spy Alliance, Military Spy), and the following 2 harmful ones (Burn/Steal Bushels, Bomb/Steal Banks).

Declare War is not available on this server because GDI rules on solo server are different from those on non-solo servers, so this is a moot question. On Clan servers, the only thing GDI does is reduce the allowable attack NW range to 0.5-2x your NW (and ONLY this). Declare War removes this restriction (so the only restriction is Humanitarians).