Sep 27th 2013, 20:52:29
Goal of game is to finish highest in Networth. Networth mostly comes from having a huge military. But military upkeep is also HUGE, in fact it goes up polynomially as your NW goes up, not linearly. So the idea is to stockpile a lot of cash, and at the end of the reset when it matters, you destock and jump.
However, the game has a rule where, once you exceed having 2b cash on hand, the excess above 2b will have "Corruption" applied to it at the rate of 0.1% per turn. For example, if you have 2.5b cash, the 500m that is above 2b will decay at 0.1% per turn, and you will lose 500k dollars every turn you spend (this will fall as you lose cash, but since you are a casher, your cash will actually just rise until you are decaying what you are making). In any case, this is a waste of money.
So to store cash above 2b, players convert the cash into other forms of non-decaying goods, usually Bushels. _All_ Bushels on hand decay at 0.1% per turn as well, but if you store all this food on the market, say try to sell it at $99 (usually an unsellable price), then none of it decays. The tricky thing is food price will rise and fall over the reset, so this is for you to market manipulate, taking into account the market commission. You can also stock Tech, but you can only sell 1/4 of your max tech at a time, making it much harder to destock, compared to food which can all be sold at once, or sold to Private Market. Oil is another one, but oil is usually too volatile and risky (though it can be profitable).