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Why do i keep failing attacks, the last 2 attacks ive failed, first time was a planned attack and i sent over 1 million more offence units and it was the same the second time as well on a standard attack.
Most likely reason is defensive allies. D-allies have the power to double someone's defense, they don't usually, but that's how high they're able to go.
You need to spy on the country and check its defense, then check your spy page and review the op to see their weapons %. Multiply the defense by that. If the country has d allies, which you can determine with a spy on alliances op, spy on the d-allies as well. Add up their defenses (raw, no modifiers) and divide by 4. Add that to the target's def. Multiply by an extra 1.1 (random factor). That'll get the true amount that needs to be sent.
Of course, you can then divide by 1.5 if you're sending a PS, and divide by your own weap %, and also, factor in gov types as you go.
That's if you want to be 100% sure of success. Otherwise you can use estimates.