quick intro to searching targets on
http://www.eestats.com/primary :
1: remove all countries that are more than 50% larger than you by multiplying your networth with 1.5 and put it in the networth box like this: "<number". f.ex. if your countrys networth is 200,000 you put "<300,000" (less than 300,000) in the networth box.
2: filter out everyone with very low land, by putting ">1500" (more than 1500) in the land box.
3. remove everyone who has been attacked a lot in the last 24 hours by putting "<4" (less than 4) in the dr box.
4: sort the remaining countries by ascending nw/land. a lower nw/land ratio than 100 usually means they have very little military. a nw/land ration below 80 usually means they have no military at all.
click the "view instructions"-button for more advanced searching!