Apr 5th 2013, 1:50:58
Acres lost & gained are relative to your land vs the persons land you are grabbing, their DR level, government bonus, and military strategy. Generally, if you have a bit less land than the person you are attacking, you will gain more than they would gain had they hit you. But this is not always the case. A Dictator or Tyranny with 140% military strategy will likely gain a bit more land than other governments with no military strategy tech on a similar grab.
Primary is not only a race for land, but sustainability. As you can see now that we have passed day 30, a number of the countries that you saw dominate the top 20 during the first 30 days, are now falling off in ranks and will continue to slip away.
Often for Techers and Cashers, it is because they did not build enough Construction Sites during the early game. Meaning that when they start making grabs each day for a total of 1000+ acres, they have to spend a lot of turns building up on those acres instead of spending those turns earning extra income. This may be different for the other strategies who produce the same amounts no matter how the turns are spent (Indy/Farmer/Oiler).
Another reason some fall off the top scores list after the halfway point is because they didn't keep their tech levels up enough. Their production capacity is not being utilized to its optimal potential. Therefore they are unable to keep up with those with higher tech levels who are producing and selling more than they are daily. I think it was mentioned in another thread that tech levels for both Farmers and Cashers are the most crucial to keep up, while Indy can be a little more forgiving.