Jan 25th 2014, 7:08:36
I don't seem to have a permission to post in Suggestions/Bugs category so I'll post here, admin can move if needed.
I would like to ask if the server could handle some small additional graphics to the game, to make things just a little nicer, and potentially attract new players as well.
I would like, for example:
- small icons for each item in the game, such as, for example;
- in front of each building type an icon indicative of such, for example - oil rig would have an oil rig icon in front, farm would have farm etc.
- in front of each research category an icon
- in front of each military unit an icon
- in front of each attack type an icon, and in this category I would most like to see the symbols for nuclear attack (standard radioactivity symbol), chemical attack (chem weapon symbol), etc (http://holyokewikifall2011.wikispaces.com/...0px-WMD_world_map.svg.png).
- and so on...
These icons would not appear in main menu, but would appear in Advisor, and in the recent news and your attack reports.
- I would also like to see a country flag icon that each user can choose which they want (including flags of countries that don't exist anymore), and that this flag icon would appear in the scores list. An open source list of country flags is available in the joomla package I think, if not there are other sources. I would be happy to help with this.
- Also, and this has nothing to do with graphics but, I would like a warning issued for any player attacking a mutual ally, and a new colour code for mutual allies on the scoreboard, as it has again happened to me that an ally attacked my other ally.
I know other users have suggested inclusion of animations before but I understand that that would be too much of a cost increase. That's why I will offer to design as many icons as I can if there is someone willing to implement them, and if the server will be able to handle it. If there is anyone else who would volunteer maybe let us know here.
Admin, is this doable?
I would like to ask if the server could handle some small additional graphics to the game, to make things just a little nicer, and potentially attract new players as well.
I would like, for example:
- small icons for each item in the game, such as, for example;
- in front of each building type an icon indicative of such, for example - oil rig would have an oil rig icon in front, farm would have farm etc.
- in front of each research category an icon
- in front of each military unit an icon
- in front of each attack type an icon, and in this category I would most like to see the symbols for nuclear attack (standard radioactivity symbol), chemical attack (chem weapon symbol), etc (http://holyokewikifall2011.wikispaces.com/...0px-WMD_world_map.svg.png).
- and so on...
These icons would not appear in main menu, but would appear in Advisor, and in the recent news and your attack reports.
- I would also like to see a country flag icon that each user can choose which they want (including flags of countries that don't exist anymore), and that this flag icon would appear in the scores list. An open source list of country flags is available in the joomla package I think, if not there are other sources. I would be happy to help with this.
- Also, and this has nothing to do with graphics but, I would like a warning issued for any player attacking a mutual ally, and a new colour code for mutual allies on the scoreboard, as it has again happened to me that an ally attacked my other ally.
I know other users have suggested inclusion of animations before but I understand that that would be too much of a cost increase. That's why I will offer to design as many icons as I can if there is someone willing to implement them, and if the server will be able to handle it. If there is anyone else who would volunteer maybe let us know here.
Admin, is this doable?