
BUTTMAN Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 16:32:18

For all you tech start cashers, how much land do you usually tech on, and how much tech do you usually research before converting?

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 23:04:25

I tech after the first batch. I watch the market to see how cheap tech is running early, don't have a "hard and fast" rule but something like 300k total points.

damondusk Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 17:39:14

I've been experimenting with that myself and am finding that I like to tech on 6k or so (second batch) for efficiency but struggle with producing adequate defense for carrying so much land so early in the set. @ 6-7k I tech pleasingly fast but have to accept losses from grabs whereas @ ~4.5k-5.5k it's pretty well defensible but a little slower going. When you find the balance, let me in on the secret =)

Also, if either of you folks need one, I have all my research slots open. PM me.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 20:38:18

I have already converted to casher and am saving for the next batch before I start grabbing.