
paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 10:36:26

20.9 hours ago
A brigade from 1010101010 (#31) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
197 Acres (288 Gained)
280 Buildings (96 Stolen)
7529 Bushels
378 Technology Points

Your military lost:
10,647 Troops
45,613 Turrets
1359 Tanks

Their military lost:
42,080 Jets
26,933 Tanks

21 hours ago
A brigade from 1010101010 (#31) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
236 Acres (379 Gained)
343 Buildings (122 Stolen)
9317 Bushels
392 Technology Points

Your military lost:
13,608 Troops
58,294 Turrets
1737 Tanks

Their military lost:
98,666 Jets

21 hours ago
A brigade from 1010101010 (#31) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
276 Acres (490 Gained)
407 Buildings (150 Stolen)
11,418 Bushels
415 Technology Points

Your military lost:
9657 Troops
41,371 Turrets
1233 Tanks

Their military lost:
100,444 Jets

21 hours ago
A brigade from 1010101010 (#31) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
317 Acres (634 Gained)
483 Buildings (187 Stolen)
13,865 Bushels
443 Technology Points

Your military lost:
18,230 Troops
78,094 Turrets
2328 Tanks

Their military lost:
104,000 Jets

21 hours ago
A brigade from 1010101010 (#31) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
312 Acres (682 Gained)
487 Buildings (194 Stolen)
14,279 Bushels
431 Technology Points

3.8 days ago
A brigade from 1010101010 (#31) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
260 Acres (575 Gained)
399 Buildings (161 Stolen)
786 Bushels
110 Technology Points

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 10:37:50

There needs to be better humanitarian or GDI protection for players starting late in a set. This is not fair. How am I supposed to grow when a much bigger country attacks me.

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 10:46:22

My Networth: $2,467,975
his: $12,817,437

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 10:50:40

even when I try to spy on him it says:

Your forces will not spy on such a large opponent!

Yet he's allowed to attack me? lol

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 11:28:07

When he hit you he was less the 4x your size, then he grew by running his turns. The only way to retal him is to grow to be more then 1/4 his size and then retal him.


EE Patron

Apr 15th 2022, 11:43:42

Originally posted by LightBringer:
When he hit you he was less the 4x your size, then he grew by running his turns. The only way to retal him is to grow to be more then 1/4 his size and then retal him.

They're 's not going to able to retal him. Not in a meaningful way, anyhow. Maybe they could throw a nuke or 2 at him if they have any, but he'll just eat another 5 PS for it.

I do agree that it seems smaller players should be better protected from just serving as land farms for the top. I see how new players would be discouraged and not want to come back.

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 11:46:36

PS Apr 14, 13:33 1010101010 (#31) Ade (#108) 312 A
PS Apr 14, 13:34 1010101010 (#31) Ade (#108) 317 A
PS Apr 14, 13:35 1010101010 (#31) Ade (#108) 276 A
PS Apr 14, 13:36 1010101010 (#31) Ade (#108) 236 A
PS Apr 14, 13:39 1010101010 (#31) Ade (#108) 197 A
CM Apr 15, 10:55 Ade (#108) 1010101010 (#31) 509 B
13,742 C
EM Apr 15, 10:56 Ade (#108) 1010101010 (#31) 75,959 MU
EM Apr 15, 10:57 Ade (#108) 1010101010 (#31) 75,810 MU
CM Apr 15, 10:58 Ade (#108) 1010101010 (#31) 509 B
13,770 C
NM Apr 15, 11:00 Ade (#108) 1010101010 (#31) 978 A

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 11:47:28

Well I had no choice but to grow a bit and retal. I'm not going to let a monster country attack me for no reason and get away with it. I also disarmed some of his missiles.

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 11:49:27

I think it shouldn't be 4X allowed to attack you. It should be 2X and no more. There's no way I can break through his defence.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 12:13:40

Pump your warfare and go all jetter to retal, missile them later

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 12:15:09

Oh never mind you already hit him, if he’s bigger you should have stockpiled for a week so you could really put some damage in with your strike

Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 12:34:33

Originally posted by paradise:
There needs to be better humanitarian or GDI protection for players starting late in a set. This is not fair. How am I supposed to grow when a much bigger country attacks me.

This is like saying that you need to be allowed a motorcycle in a bicycle race because you weren't on time for the start of the race and fell behind

Why should players who didn't realize the importance of starting the race on time get some sort of special advantage? In your post you are asking for "better humanitarian or gdi protection for players starting late" specifically. That seems silly

I think that there are servers (like tournament) where a late start doesn't prevent some level of success, but Primary is not one of those servers.

Tmac Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 12:50:59

You really shouldn't post in game news. You just told everyone that a rep broke you with a 1.2m jet ps. Someone else just triple tapped you, prob off this info..

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 14:06:08

I know. I'm just annoyed that these things happen not just in real life but in game too. The rich just gets richer by taking advantage of the poor/weak or late starters. I'm talking about social inequality or injustice. It just really annoys me that's all.

Tmac Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 14:33:00

2022-04-04 10:23:23 PS Ade (#108) Noob (#105) 130A (178A)
2022-04-04 10:22:53 PS Ade (#108) Noob (#105) 140A (187A)

That poor noob didn't login again after he saw that. You surely could've hit someone bigger that could've retalled. I guess we're all guilty. Lighten up, you're going to get hit tons in primary by everyone unless you're at least top 20.

Doug Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 15:04:58

Sorry edit I thought this was the alliance server when I first saw it paradise Rote I’m sorry foot in mouth

Edited By: Doug on Apr 15th 2022, 15:10:18
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2022, 15:11:27

Originally posted by paradise:
I know. I'm just annoyed that these things happen not just in real life but in game too. The rich just gets richer by taking advantage of the poor/weak or late starters. I'm talking about social inequality or injustice. It just really annoys me that's all.

Humans have been like this since the beginning of our existence, it's not any different across the species board right down to microscopic level, survival of the fittest is encoded in our DNA, just because we understand it doesn't mean we can change it, hence climate change, we cannot change what mother nature put in motion since before Humans arrived, if you think otherwise you're just another fool that believes a scam because it makes you feel all fuzzy inside.

Start on time next round, use this one to practice.

Edited By: KoHeartsGPA on Apr 15th 2022, 15:14:19
See Original Post
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Tmac Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 15:31:38


paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 16:25:49

It's all good. I have deleted my account. There's no point playing if the top players are just going to attack me. I might start up again on time in the next round :)

paradise Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 16:31:12

The noob guy I only attacked twice and stopped and I was only a little bit bigger than him at that time. This guy attacked me like 6 times and he's more than 4 times my size. haha it's fine, like I said I might start up on time in the next round. Thanks anyway

Tmac Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 17:06:39

I can understand that for sure. I hope you do start up on time next set!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2022, 17:10:17

Yeah it is crucial to not lose turns in this server!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 18th 2022, 18:15:27

Yeah! Start from the beginning and we will watch your career with great interest.

TwoPodRay Game profile


Apr 18th 2022, 18:37:49

Starting from the beginning is a pathway to many top 10 finishes some consider to be Unnatural.

Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 19th 2022, 22:28:37

Why do so many people keep self deleting?, why not play the round out?, If I started getting farmed I would build lots of spies and spy the top players to learn more about strategies

Edited By: Rocky79 on Apr 19th 2022, 22:58:54

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 20th 2022, 4:18:11

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Why do so many people keep self deleting?, why not play the round out?, If I started getting farmed I would build lots of spies and spy the top players to learn more about strategies

I’d get warfare tech and missile them and try to AB them. It’s what I did on my first set here when I started late.