
Invictus Game profile


Jan 27th 2020, 17:24:01

Would this still be viable today? ... ElPaco's Republic Techie to Casher Startup
Story By: ElPaco -- Posted On: 8/15/00

This is an alternate startup strat to the common industrialist startup. It can be made in two ways; an ind-tech-cash startup, or a tech-cash startup. The first one is the more effective, and The Dark Sphere, a LaF member, won a 2A-reset with this start. This is how you do it:

Set tax rate to 35%, 100% spy production and change government to republic.

Build 12 construction sites

Build 24 industrials

Build 8 construction sites

Build 20 industrials

Explore max

Alternate one turn with industrials and 4 construction sites until you have 60 construction sites.

Explore max and build max research labs until turn 99.

Sell spies as often as you feel like bothering.

After turn 99 set production to turrets. Fill land between 700 and 1,000 acres, when out of cash after turn 99 research bus/res tech. Explore as much as you can without being a landgrab target, when land is filled start teching for real, each tech sale should put you in pole position. When you have about 2k acres get "war" techs and switch to cash.

How to continue

When you have max mil/res/bus tech and a bit weapons tech at 2,000 acres, it's time to make a switch to casher. Put yourself as Tyranny

Tear down all your labs! (This is for making food while switching)

Build up enterprises and residentials, evenly

Continue =)

Keep your industrials and set them to produce spies

Build construction sites until you have about 85-90 builds per turn

Cash your way to number one spot! :-)

Marshal Game profile


Jan 27th 2020, 20:18:15

prolly not since production is tied to ~max pop so indy production wouldn't be that great so financing build up with spies wouldn't work that well.

if had access to alphas could test that but alas no access.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2020, 2:36:54

el paco was one of the founders of laf

2a is top tourney game

at the time food sold for $1 i think on private, but was produced 10x more, so indy was better, and spies were better than turrets too

i dont recall what tyranny used to be, but maybe it was viable for casher

2a used to be a bit of an allx server, with war being declared for 1 landgrab sometimes, then if you finished in the bottom 50 or something out of 256 players you would get dumped down into tier 2 or 3 of tourney, which was maybe games b through e

90 bpt implies grabbing to 30k in tourney which really wasnt a thing, so thats definately a mistake

so thats why its allx and not producing 20k mil before turn 100

and the order of buildings is sub optimal too and you should sell troops and maybe food on private before turn 1

apart from that theirs a lot of changes like bonus points, 20 acres a day, the production max pop formula marshal mentioned

anyway are you actually curious on how to play now and thats the info you have or are you flexing by posting old startups which are actually pretty cool historically for a super small niche of people? :)

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2020, 2:41:12

i think tourney was 1620 turns long at that point

now its about 2520 turns

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 28th 2020, 2:41:23

wow 2000.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 28th 2020, 2:47:09

Tourney was 25min/ turn forever. maybe not 2000 but at least 2002 and all time since. Tho it was 25 acre explores that started dropping at like 1k acres back then. And you kinda had to grab in tournament as well. I forget what the cashers used to go to but techers used to have this kind of comparison watermark which was 15k labs by the 15th. It was only the best that got there and it was not every set for anyone.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2020, 2:55:17

yeah i might be wrong on turns, did numbers for today on 20min which is definately wrong as well

57.6 a day from 25min/turn

and i think you got 3 bonus turns for logging out for 18h then, and maybe some extra bonuses from things like clicking on the donate a bushel of food to africa thing, maybe 2 of those a day

but at 60.6 a day for 30 days it was 1800 turns which feels right and more like 2050 to 2100 these days so not a huge difference

Invictus Game profile


Jan 28th 2020, 2:58:37

Ya I grabbed off first page and looked interesting. I should have went to most recent which go back to 2010 in the strategy thread, but I guess they wouldn't work either?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2020, 3:15:44

i see what you mean its someone else posting old strats

alliances like to keep strats semi private and other alliances like to steal them :)

so its one reason to join an alliance to learn how to play, gerdler and i are in LaF in alliance for example, which is i why i was particularly interested by this one

the question of 'work' is pretty vague for strats

for this one you cant go mono>rep>tyranny as a casher
youd want to stay rep
and you want to produce turrets not spies

and bpt you want to go 70 max for tourney, maybe even a bit less
but maybe you dont want to run it in tourney

startups matter a lot less these days than 2000 though because you dont have to be grabbing at turn 100

you can run a 100 cs startup and be fine now

Invictus Game profile


Jan 28th 2020, 3:23:39

What do you mean by 100cs start up? And are you referring to just tourney?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2020, 3:48:30

im referring to tourney because you posted a tourney strat

100 cs startup means spending first 100 turns building cs and nothing else

if you play ffa theres an option for a 97 cs startup as one of the quick play options even

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 28th 2020, 3:52:36

You used to get 6 turns as 18 hour bonus and 3 turns as 12 hour logout bonus. There were no bonus points tho.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2020, 4:57:21

the 3/12 didnt exist before some point i think